I am a researcher at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) in France. I work at the Center for Particle Physics of Marseille (CPPM) at Aix-Marseille University. My main research interests are:
- Searches for effects beyond the Standard Model in heavy flavour analyses
- Studies of CP violation in B hadron decays
- Measurements of CKM (Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa) matrix parameters and Unitarity Triangle
- Spectroscopy of beauty and charm hadrons
- Amplitude analyses of heavy hadron decays
- Usage of machine learning techniques and tools in physics analyses
Currently I work on the LHCb experiment at the LHC collider in CERN.
- In 2011-2012 I was co-ordinator of data preselection ("stripping") activities.
- In 2013-2015, I was convener of the LHCb working group studying decays of B mesons to charm.
- During the term 2018-2019, I was a convener of "particle identification and calorimeter objects" (PID&CO) physics performance working group at LHCb, later transformed into "Run 1 and Run 2 performance working group (R12PWG)".
- Since July 2021, I am coordinating the "Selections" work package of the LHCb Real-Time Analysis project. It aims to provide efficient selection framework for High-Level Trigger (HLT2) for the upgraded LHCb detector.
I'm involved in analyses studying CP violation in charmed and charmless B decays and beauty and charm hadron spectroscopy.